Safety accessories
We offer many PVC windows safety accessories that can make building protected. Some of these accessories are created to ensure safety of children. Read about safety accessories below.
◆ Improved safety bindings have two extra safety points in every sash. These bindings protect your window from external opening;
◆ Anti-break–in bindings is the safest binding. There are possible different levels of protection. Windows security building measures in number and their installation methods depend on the requirements. We recommend anti-break-in bindings install with anti-break-in glazing system;
◆ Anti-break-in glazing system is combined with anti-break-in bindings often. Glass reinforcement is carried out by laminating several glasses with transparent tint. Laminated glass strength is determined not only bonded glass thickness, but also used for tint thickness and number of glass bonded with each other. Moreover, anti-break-in glazing property is increased noise insulation;
◆ Improved safety “Secutic” handle. These handles have fitted patented mechanism that protects your window from forced opening from the outside. “Secutic” name is a combination of two words “Security” and “Acoustic”. This is why these handles are not only safe but comfortable to use also;
◆ Handle with lock is used with anti-break-in bindings often. By installing particular handle on windows, you can prevent window from intelligible opening. You may choose many types and colours of these handles with lock;
◆ Improved safety handle with lock button can be turned only by pressing the button. It is a good way to assure children safety;
◆ Safety locks for children room. The hardware is made to protect children from opening a window. It can be installed to any handle. Window can be opened only by pacing safety lock in a right position;

Contact us
- Viktorija Kneziukienė
Head of Export Department
00 370 656 93802 - Greta Barodicienė
Export Department Manager
00 370 655 55705
- Viktorija Kneziukienė
About „Aveplast“
- VAT code: LT107025418
- Company code: 110702540
- Address: Kertupio street. 59,
- Neveronys, LT-54487 Kauno r., Lithuania
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